Monday, January 4, 2010


Dear Dear Takshaka,

We might know you well and you might not know us at all, but that does not stop us from getting excited about the little one on the way.

As you talked about P not understanding the reason behind the two windows in the pregnancy tests, some of us can’t help but shake our head in agreement, with a bemused expression on our face. Do these guys ever listen to us? Even on the important things? And then they go and undo all of that (or should we say redo it all) by being supportive, smiling when we are uncertain, whopping with joy at the news unexpected.

As the exhaustion takes over and lack of sleep gets to you remember that this is just practice, for the time to come, when holding the baby will be the most important thing. Sleep or lack of, tiredness in extreme will be a thing you will deal with everyday but will not mind for a minute. But dear eating is important. Second trimester and loss of appetite is not a done thing. Well actually that’s not true. Listen to your body. It will lead you well. You will know when the baby wants extra nourishment and when it has enough. And that is a lesson to learn for the future as well. Listen to your instincts. There is no right or wrong ways of rearing a baby. There is nothing as strong as the mother’s instinct so listen to it now and listen to it later. As we said this is all a practice session for things to come.

And when you talk about Full Moon baby, we join our hand in prayer that the baby is born on a Full Moon. A full term baby that you get to take home with you as you leave the hospital. A full term baby easy to hold. A full term baby always healthy. We would love to call him/her Luna, so here’s to Luna. We raise our glasses (you can have some punch dear. No alcohol for you anytime soon).

Right now you are at the most interesting part of your pregnancy. The baby moves, the baby turns and P can finally feel the baby move. We can very well imagine the look of wonder on his face at the little miracle growing inside you making his/her presence known to his Dad. And we are glad that you got to relax and enjoy your time. We are glad that you got to go back and see all your family and friends. We are glad that you got to have a Sreementham surrounded my people who love you lots. We are glad that you got to sneak in a mini vacation within your major vacation, Goa being a haven that it is. We are glad that you have you parents visit to look forward to. We are glad, we are glad, we are glad for you, for the P, for the little one who is about to come into this world

And last but not least, dear as the paranoia about the baby before and after s/he is born starts to take a grip, remember you have 5 other Mother to Bes for company and 16 e-aunts to go gaa over the one coming along.

So we shower you with our love and a few virtual gifts for the sweet little angle to be.

10 comments on "Takshaka"

Swaram on January 5, 2010 at 7:28 AM said...

Hw sweet ... n we the readers r here to go gaga over Luna too :)
Gud luck Takasha :)

Anonymous said...

I'm literally crying here. Did y'all write this whole thing and set this entire site up for us?? You don't even KNOW me!! And this is such a fantastic post...
HOW DO YOU DO IT??? How do you have so much in you??

And yes, thank you all. Thank you a thousand times. For the gifts, and the wishes. And the enormous love.

Miss M on January 7, 2010 at 6:31 AM said...

Takshaka- awwww babe don't cry. We were more than glad to this for you. Saw your comment on my blog and the really fabulous ladies in this team got to work! We are SO glad that you liked it. That is all we wanted!

Now we are eagerly waiting for the arrival of the little one. :)

Lotsa love.
PS- Revs came up with the whole baby shower plan. You might want to just grab her and give her a big hug! Thats the only reason why all 16 of us got together. :)

celestialrays on January 7, 2010 at 6:45 AM said...

awww Takasha, don't cry :)
we can always know you from now on right? :D
you game?

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes. I'm going to post a lot more now. And read up on your blogs too. And maybe link up my other non-mom blog so y'all have some context of who I am.

When I asked if I could 'just pile on' I didn't realize it was going to be so kewl.....I thought it was just a fun, short puzzle. (Ha!)

If any of you ever travel to Atlanta or nearby in the US i'd love to have you home. And listen to the entire story of how this came about. ~2000 emails??? You're NUTS :-).

Anonymous said...

Yeah babe,dont cry :) Yeah,now we all know you and you know us!You have 16+5(the other MTBs) aunties ready for your baby already :) How cool is that!

And you superwoman you!! You dint know ANY of us and you still went ahead and cracked the clues. At the expense of repeating myself, I have to say I'M HIGHLY IMPRESSED! Good job there! :) Congratulations and the very best of wishes sent your way.

@Team DTN: Stop telling everyone that I started,girls! Pah! So much for sending out the first email :D And now now, are we happy or what. We should have left a big box of tissues in the home-page. Everyone is crying, including me :)

Anonymous said...

I had SOOOO much help!!! Was just telling Miss M that I feel like a marathon runner (yeah, with my bulk and my *ahem* fitness levels, this is the closest I'm getting to the track anytime soon!). I was trying to solve the clues, and was being cheered on from the sidelines by the same people who laid the track and got the race.

AWEsome :-). And yes, since you're all fellow-foodies, I promise to host a mega-food-party soon.

Anonymous said...

Takshaka, so glad you are here..Loved getting to know you better.. :)
You did so good girl...muaaah..

DewdropDream on January 7, 2010 at 3:34 PM said...

Hey Takshaka,

Everything else aside I thought it was really cool of you to have asked if you could pile on :)

Years ago I met a girl on the road who wanted directions. She asked them such that it felt as if a chipry, bubbly, hep and absolutely fun friend were asking, not a completely stranger. You remind me of her.

Have a wonderful pregnancy a very easy delivery and a very lovely baby!

I look forward to getting to know you better as a blogger :)


DiDo on January 8, 2010 at 3:09 AM said...

congratss taksha.... and no tearsss okayyy.....keep smilinggggggggg :)


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